Where There is a Will There is a Way
curl command from org, dev tools in network tab and copy as curl
curl 'https://[removed].my.salesforce.com/setup/org/orgstorageusage.jsp?id=[removed]&setupid=CompanyResourceDisk&retURL=%2Fsetup%2Fhome&appLayout=setup&tour=&isdtp=p1&sfdcIFrameOrigin=https://[removed]-dev-ed.lightning.force.com&sfdcIFrameHost=web&nonce=[removed]<n_app_id=&clc=1' \\
-H 'accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' \\
-H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \\
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \\
-H $'cookie: [removed] \\
-H 'pragma: no-cache' \\
-H 'priority: u=0, i' \\
-H 'referer: https://[removed]-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/' \\
-H 'sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24"' \\
-H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \\
-H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "macOS"' \\
-H 'sec-fetch-dest: iframe' \\
-H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' \\
-H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' \\
-H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' \\
-H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
got a very messy response but piped through "html2text" program it came out swimmingly
[curl command] | html2text
# put that after your CURL Command and it pipes the output to
that program which tries to turn markdown syntax from html and
it does pretty well
Minus a few odds and ends this is almost the verbatim copy and paste output of what html2text gave. Pretty neat looks like im over the limit too!!!!!! (Dev org who gives a shit).
Storage Usage
Your organization's storage usage is listed below.
To get more data or file storage, use the Your Account app. Go to
Storage Type |
Limit |
Used |
Percent Used |
Data Storage |
5.0 MB |
5.5 MB |
110% |
File Storage |
20.0 MB |
10.0 MB |
50% |
Big Object Storage |
1,000,000 |
0 |
0% |
Current Data Storage Usage
Record Type |
Record Count |
Storage |
Percent |
Debug Logs |
2,133 |
4.2 MB |
76% |
Trails |
341 |
682 KB |
12% |
Interaction Count Reports |
50 |
100 KB |
2% |
Invoices |
39 |
78 KB |
1% |
Orgs |
29 |
58 KB |
1% |
Accounts |
27 |
54 KB |
1% |
Access |
20 |
40 KB |
1% |
Badges |
20 |
40 KB |
1% |
Contacts |
18 |
36 KB |
1% |
Campaigns |
4 |
32 KB |
1% |
Nav Items |
16 |
32 KB |
1% |
Badges Received |
15 |
30 KB |
1% |
Thanks |
15 |
30 KB |
1% |
OrgDetails |
10 |
20 KB |
0% |
Solutions |
10 |
20 KB |
0% |
Network Feed Responses Metrics |
9 |
18 KB |
0% |
Hub Members |
6 |
12 KB |
0% |
NotesCCs |
6 |
12 KB |
0% |
System Streaming Channels |
6 |
12 KB |
0% |
Events |
4 |
8 KB |
0% |
Dropbox Sign Object Support |
4 |
8 KB |
0% |
Setup Assistant Steps |
4 |
8 KB |
0% |
Last Used App |
3 |
6 KB |
0% |
Cases |
2 |
4 KB |
0% |
Opportunities |
2 |
4 KB |
0% |
Last Used Setup App |
2 |
4 KB |
0% |
Broadcast Topics |
2 |
4 KB |
0% |
Hub Invitations |
2 |
4 KB |
0% |
Collaboration Rooms |
2 |
4 KB |
0% |
Shape Representation |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Release Update Steps |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Group Ranks |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Hubs |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Network Audits |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Experience Self Registrations |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Setup Assistant Progress |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Release Update Step History |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Dropbox Sign Package Settings |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Trailhead Users Data |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
Config |
1 |
2 KB |
0% |
LogSearchResult |
1 |
0 B |
0% |
Deployment Items |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Tasks |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Leads |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Calendars |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Trailmixes |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
User Badges |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
User Trailmixes |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Projects |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Email Messages |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Calendar Models |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Dropbox Sign Logs |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Project Items |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Deployments |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Photos |
69 |
0 B |
0% |
RecordActions |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Badges |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Current File Storage Usage
| |
Record Type |
Record Count |
Storage |
Percent |
LogSearchResult |
1 |
4 KB |
0% |
Documents |
1,629 |
1.8 MB |
18% |
Content Bodies |
116 |
6.8 MB |
68% |
Photos |
69 |
1.4 MB |
14% |
Site.com Assets |
0 |
0 B |
0% |
Current Big Object Storage Usage
Record Type |
Record Count |
Percent |
Top Users by Data Storage Usage